African Wild Dog vs Hyena Fight Comparison- Who Will Win?

African wild dogs and hyenas are two of the most fascinating carnivorous mammals found in the African continent. Both are apex predators that can take down prey much larger than their own size, and they are known to be fierce competitors for food and territory. In this article, we will compare the African wild dog and hyena and analyze their strengths and weaknesses to determine which one would come out on top in a fight. Let’s talk about African Wild Dog Vs Hyena Fight Comparison- Who Will Win?

In this section, we will introduce the African wild dog and hyena and provide a brief overview of their physical characteristics and behaviour.

Here is detailed comparison on Hyena vs African Wild dogs-

FeatureAfrican Wild DogsHyenas
Height at Shoulder60-75 cm (24-30 in)70-95 cm (28-37 in)
Weight20-30 kg (44-66 lb)40-86 kg (88-190 lb)
Lifespan11-14 years12-25 years
HabitatSavannas and grasslandsSavannah, forest, and desert
Social BehaviorLive in packs with a dominant alpha pairLive in clans with a strict hierarchy
Hunting StyleCooperative hunting with high stamina for long chasesOpportunistic scavengers, also hunt in packs
DietMainly hunt medium-sized antelopes and other ungulatesScavengers but also hunt small and large prey including wildebeest and zebra
AppearanceSlender and colorful with large earsStocky with shaggy fur and powerful jaws
Conservation StatusEndangeredLeast Concern (except for the Brown Hyena, which is Near Threatened)
OriginEndemic to AfricaEndemic to Africa and some parts of Asia
ColorDistinctive coat pattern of yellow, black, and whiteVarious shades of brown and gray with darker spots or stripes
PredatorsHumans, lions, and hyenasHumans, lions, and crocodiles
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What are African wild dogs?

  • African wild dogs are also known as painted dogs
  • Highly social carnivorous mammals that inhabit sub-Saharan Africa
  • Known for their striking coat patterns
  • Consist of a combination of black, white, and brown colors.
  • Pack animals
  • Highly territorial, with packs ranging from 6 to 20 individuals.

What are hyenas?

  • Carnivorous mammals that belong to the family Hyaenidae
  • Divided into four species
  • The spotted hyena is the most well-known
  • Highly intelligent and social animals
  • Have a reputation for being scavengers
  • Also capable of hunting their own prey.

Physical Characteristics

In this section, we will compare the physical characteristics of African wild dogs and hyenas to determine which one is better equipped for a fight.

Size and weight

  • Hyenas are larger and heavier than African wild dogs.
  • An adult hyena can weigh up to 190 pounds, while an adult African wild dog typically weighs between 44 and 66 pounds.

Bite force

  • Both African wild dogs and hyenas have powerful jaws and sharp teeth
  • Hyenas have a stronger bite force as compared to African wild dog
  • Bite force of a spotted hyena is of force of up to 1100 pounds per square inch.
  • In contrast, the bite force of an African wild dog is estimated to be around 317 pounds per square inch.

Speed and agility

  • African wild dogs are faster and more agile than hyenas.
  • African wild dogs have long legs and can reach speeds of up to 44 miles per hour,
  •  African wild dogs are one of the fastest land animals in the world.
  • Hyenas, on the other hand, are slower runners and rely more on their stamina and endurance to chase down prey.
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Behavior and Tactics

In this section, we will compare the hunting tactics and behavior of African wild dogs and hyenas to determine which one has the upper hand in a fight.

Hunting tactics

  • African wild dogs are highly coordinated hunters that work together to take down prey
  • African wild dogs rely on their speed, agility, and teamwork to chase and catch their prey
  • Hyenas are opportunistic hunters that scavenge for food as well as hunt their own prey. Hyenas have a reputation for being tenacious and aggressive hunters that will not back down from a fight.

Social behavior

  • Both African wild dogs and hyenas are highly social animals that live in packs or clans
  •  African wild dogs have a highly structured social hierarchy, with dominant individuals taking on leadership roles in the pack.
  • Hyenas have a more fluid social structure, with females being dominant over males.

Defense mechanisms

  • African wild dogs rely on their speed and agility to evade predators and protect themselves from harm.
  • African wild dogs are known to be highly evasive and will use their quick movements to dodge attacks
  • Hyenas have a thick, tough hide that protects them from bites and scratches
  • Hyenas have strong jaws and teeth that they can use to defend themselves in a fight.

Conclusion about African Wild Dog Vs Hyena Fight Comparison- Who Will Win?

  • Both African wild dogs and hyenas are powerful and skilled predators, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.
  • African wild dogs are faster and more agile, while hyenas are larger and have a stronger bite force.
  • African wild dogs hunt in packs and rely on teamwork
  • While hyenas are opportunistic hunters that are known for their aggression and tenacity.
  • In a fight between an African wild dog and a hyena, the outcome would depend on a variety of factors
  • Such as the size and strength of the animals, the situation, and the element of surprise. and thus it is impossible to predict who would come out on top in such a scenario.
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FAQs about African Wild Dog Vs Hyena Fight Comparison- Who Will Win

  • Are African wild dogs and hyenas afraid to humans?

Both the African wild dogs and hyenas are dangerous to human.

  • Can African wild dogs and hyenas interbreed?

No, African wild dogs and hyenas are different species and cannot interbreed.

  • What is the biggest threat to African wild dogs and hyenas?

Habitat loss and human persecution are the biggest threats to African wild dogs and hyenas.

  • How can we help conserve African wild dogs and hyenas?

We can support conservation efforts and initiatives that aim to protect the habitat of these animals and reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

  • Are African wild dogs and hyenas endangered?

African wild dogs are listed as endangered, while hyenas are not currently endangered but are considered to be near threatened.

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